27 September 2014


We have recently signed up with Star PALS - a paediatric palliative care service for children with life-threatening or life-limiting conditions. This decision came shortly after C's last discharge. I suppose the frequent hospitalisation and endless visits drained me out so much, making the idea of doctors, nurses and volunteers coming to our home a very welcoming one.

Star PALS was quick to respond to my application, made their first visit shortly after. The second visit followed closely, which was great! They brought along a volunteer, Auntie June, to interact, bond and build rapport with C. Medi Minders, a service provided by Star PALS, is made up of a group of medically trained volunteers who offer caregivers a few hours of respite for various reasons whether to run errands, take a breather or simply allowing caregivers to connect with friends and family whom they hardly have time for.

Nurse Serene and Volunteer June playing with C

Within a month of joining Star PALS, they have already made 3 visits, with the most recent one joined by doctor to help solve C's bowels issue. C had tears and would bleed every time passing motion and unfortunately developed a phobia. With doctor's advice, medication and monitoring, I actually had greater peace of mind and was more confident in coping with his issues. This was something I really appreciate because it meant reduced (unnecessary) trips to the doctor (usually the only option for C is to visit the A&E) over minor issues. I could always consult the team for advice with follow-ups at home.

The best choice I have made so far =)

Now hoping to look into home therapies for C as well!

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