8 October 2015

Project Hovercraft

Project Hovercraft is complete! It's a DIY project to help C counter gravity pull, allowing his arms to 'hover' and move freely.

Yesterday we did a pilot test without the arm slings. He was quite receptive to the idea. And today, the moment I took out his tablet, C immediately requested for the 'loops'.

This is how the structure looks:

Clothes drying rack   $28
Set of resistance bands   $24.90
(Bands are of different resistance. If you require 2 of the same load, get 2 sets cos I don't see them selling single bands. It didn't matter to me so 1 set is fine. I use the rest them for my stretching exercises)
Carabiners   $14
(I use 4 large and 2 small ones. Mix and match different sizes to obtain the length you require)
Harness   $11.80
(In video, I used an adult wrist guard. A pair of wrist guards or child arm slings can be expensive so it's up to individual which to use so long it works. As a cheaper alternative I bought a pair of full body harness for miniature dogs haha. The widths are adjustable, I figured they might work. Will update with pics if they really do)
Total damage: approx $78.70 +/-


  1. Your love makes you super creative in finding ways to help Caelen.
    You are amazing Mummy Lowell. =)

    Hope you having a wonderful day Caelen!
