12 May 2016

Opening New Doors

This morning...

Me: "Caelen, want to join me for a walk in the park?"
C: "Yes Mommy, I'd like to. Are we taking the stroller?"
Me: "No."
C: "Are you going to carry me?"
Me: "No"
C: (staring in silence)
Me: "You are going to drive."
C: "In my power chair?"
Me: "Yes, that's right! Shall we?"
C: (hesitant & unsure)

C's stander and motorised wheelchair arrived in early May.

For the past week, he worked hard on the stander. We started off with a 25-minute session (each day). C would tear and whine in pain after being released from the stander everytime. Legs that never bore weight and affected by contracture over the years, the exercise proved to be tough on his knees & joints. To relieve the tension and soothe his aching knees, warm compress were applied at the end of the session.

A week into the training regime, C was beginning to show greater tolerance. There were less complains and pains momentarily. I have also observed a (slight) increase in strength and toned leg muscles.

Here's a clip taken during session showed the two siblings dancing away. Quite a joy to see him standing tall like this :)

Coming back... following our conversation this morning, I brought C out for a ride. He test drove his powerchair outside our house once. Today being the second time and already out in public, he was feeling a little nervous yet thrilled.

C started off REALLY slow, inching forward like a snail. As I hurried him along, he sped up a little.

C saying, "I can go to the park myself. It's so much fun!"

We took a walk in the park avoiding few near miss here and there. I tried hard to explain and point out things he should be aware of but it was hard to make a 3-year-old understand the dangers. On our way home, I encouraged C to chase some birds. He got overly excited, sped off disregarding his surroundings, well, he crashed into a wall shortly after.

C saying, "I'm driving on a bumpy road. I'm having so much fun Mommy"

Finally, to face his last obstacle before calling it a day! C went into the lift like a pro but something else happened. Watch the clip to find out.

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