30 June 2014

Stressful Month

It is 11:00 p.m. and I am just about to have dinner (yes, you read me... 11:00 p.m.).

In case some wonder where we've gone. Well, we've been busy fighting 'fire' at home. C spent 10 days in high dependency ward early June and while we were about to get on with the new routine (of suctioning and tube-feeding), C caught a new bug. He was re-admitted on Monday, spending another 4 days in hospital. Apart from the bout of broncolitis he was having, blood test and swabs showed the presence of Adeno virus and MRSA bug. As the virus was highly contagious, we were placed in isolation ward for the entire stay.

Coming home was something I looked forward to. Just as I was settling down at home and about to spend time with family, Cayla came down with a fever. Since both children were vulnerable to cross infection, they were immediately quarantined. While C was making a recovery, Cayla was sent to the hospital the other night and she is still fighting a stubborn fever at grandma's.

This is a stressful and difficult time for the entire family. The constant worrying and round the clock caring for the children is driving us nuts. Looks like it is going to be a while before I do another update on this blog. Be back ASAP...

P.S. Anya, Armaan & Bridget: Strangers we are but we will never forget your kindness and love for C. We got your message, yes, C is recovering. Thank you angels.

10 June 2014

Caring For Caelen

Today is my 8th day at the hospital possibly many more days to go. Seems indefinitely delayed for many reasons.

I ate, bathed, slept and breathed hospital air. Ward 65 is my home now and frankly I am so in need of a good grooming session. Sadly, during my stay here, I only had a 30-min bonding session with Cayla when she visited.

Learning how to connect the parts
C checked in last Tuesday and was immediately hooked up and tubed. Over the last week, he made good progress and was slowly off drip, oxygen, day BIPAP support and therapies. Unfortunately C was traumatized by the never-ending suctioning and soon refused to feed orally thus the need for NG tube. In order for C to be discharged, I need to learn how to suction, tube-feed, intubate and change his NG tube (successfully under supervision, 3 times, once each day which equates to an additional 3-day stay in the hospital). So poor mommy here has been taking up hands-on sessions with the homecare team (enthusiastically) to speed up C's discharge. The enthusiasm is somewhat dampened by many hurdles along the way (i) the need for more than 10k worth of new machines e.g. BIPAP, humidifier, desktop oximeter, suction machine, oxygen tank, a long list of consumables. The acquisition of which requires time and this further delays his discharge (ii) the time required to complete my hands-on (iii) the tons of information on patient care, machine usage and care etc to digest (iv) meeting with medical social work to discuss on possible funding (if we are even eligible in the first place).

First time intubating (inserting tube from nostril to stomach) and suctioning C was rather successful (if you could just ignore his screams and cries during the process). Luckily I'm not one who hesitate at the slightest protest or squirms at the sight of blood. I'm still hoping for the earliest possible discharge. Till then...

3 June 2014

First Hospitalisation

C was admitted to KKH High D Ward just 3 hours ago.

It was a cough that started the day before, got worsen by the day accompanied with a high fever of 39.5°C. His sats were not looking good. SpO2 at 92 while asleep with BIPAP. It even dropped to 87 at one point. On seeing that C was in agony, we decided to make a trip to the hospital.

After initial assessment, doctors suspected a case of acute bronchiolitis, felt that he could do better under close supervision and advised for C to be admitted. In the next few hours that followed were many tests, poking and plenty of beeping from the machine. Prick test was done. Swabs from the nose, armpit and groin were collected. A drip set on his tiny hand. Oxygen mask donned his face. Sensor probe on toe to monitor his vitals.

C fell asleep shortly before 5 a.m. and as for me I'm blogging away to pass time. How to sleep on a wooden chair in a freezing room? And to think that I'm going to be here for the next few days sigh...