3 September 2018

Love Is Not Rare

2 months ago, we had the chance to be part of a music video production - Love Is Not Rare. An original song by Vera's mommy, Yin May. Sharing this beautiful video with all :)
To support children with rare disorders, please visit rdss.org.sg
If you would like to support the song, please download it at yinmay.com or at yinmay.bandcamp.com
80% of the net proceeds will be donated to the Rare Disorders Society (Singapore).
Love Is Not Rare Music Video:


Original Song:

RDSS Love Is Not Rare Music Video
Singer/Songwriter: Yin May Tham
Arranger/Producer: Patrick Chng
Video Production: Back Button Media

7 July 2018

Weekend at Home

Earlier this year, the homogeneous tiles in our living room popped. We had a renovation and makeover (replacing the bulky furniture and making space for C's powerchair). C has started driving in the house since.

See how much he has grown in the vid :)

Enjoy your weekend!

3 May 2018

An Equal Standing, Not A Privilege

"Everyone is having fun except me. Please Mommy, please bring me home. Please get me out of here now". C muttered between uncontrollable sobs.

As I pleaded for him to stay, I cried too. I felt his pain but I also see the deeper truth behind his meltdown.

Granted the world is never fair, our child, who is forced to work harder in every aspect just to fit to keep-up, is often hit with more disappointments. He will always be the one at the back/side of class/presentation/celebration. He can be the loudest but not be heard. As much as he screams "Pick me! Me! Me! Me!", he will never be chosen to go on stage (because he can't).

How much disappointment can a child take before it turns painful? I often ask myself. The helplessness, the anger, the hurt... how did C stayed strong for so long?

Once in a blue moon, he would break down in tears telling me "Mommy if you die, please take me with you because I do not want to be alone."; "Mommy, I am so useless. Please throw me in the rubbish bin". And today's plea seeking the comfort of his home, to run away from the pain. It's heartbreaking.

All it takes is for one to make a difference. One S.E.N.S.I.T.I.V.E. being. That one classmate to stand up for him, to stop others from blocking his view, to tell them "pick him instead". That one kind soul to open up a pathway in the crowd. That one figure to make things accessible. Then all is possible.

Till then, we will continue to persevere. I will continue to help him carry out his duties for his time here - to bring people together, to create laughters and to teach compassion & kindness.

23 February 2018

Project 'I've Got Your Back'

24 Dec 2014 - The day we received the special positioning tomato chair. C was 1 year 9 months old.
C in class on his Rodeo

Fast forward 2 Feb 2018 - Delivery of his special buggy, Convaid Rodeo, in replacement of both his tomato chair and stroller he had outgrown.

The Rodeo met a few of our needs e.g. good support for his legs, table top for school use, recline, customisable features, room for expansion etc.

But as with all good things, it came with downsides i.e. insufficient storage space for his milk pump, cough assist & suction machines, canopy, rain cover & tray (when not in use); and the fabric of the chair did not provide as much support for C's back as required. He needed a firm backing that straightens his spine to prevent excessive slouching.

Hence, the birth of this DIY project.

Materials from Daiso:
- Neck warmer (top left)
- Plate rack (bottom left)
- Leisure Mat (right)

Cost: $6.00
Assembly time: 2 mins

- Cut leisure mat as shown, keeping the seams for mid 2 sections (with elastic band) intact.
- Place mat on rack with elastic band over it.
- Insert rack in warmer.

- Rack provides firm backing.
- Leisure mat (EVA foam) provides the cushioning.
- Warmer keeps insert intact and gives a softer feel. Can be substituted with pillow/cushion casing of your choice.

I went for quick solution with ready materials within Daiso. These pieces fit together perfectly with little alteration required.

"Cushion" fits perfectly on Size 14 Rodeo

10 January 2018


像往常一样,我推着婴儿车带闻越上学。到了校走廊刚把车停了,正忙着解开闻越的安全扣时,眼角瞧见有位家长走了过来并问道: "孩子生病了怎么还带来学校?"。我边抱起闻越,边冷淡地回了一句 "我孩子没有病"。转头就往校里去。

到了放学时间,又来了位伯伯好奇地问道: "孩子鼻子为何有个管子?"。我简单地解释一番但伯伯好像似懂非懂。

你们有过类似经验吗? 会怎么做回应?会感到不悦吗?

