5 February 2014

A New Year, A Different Light

Year of the Horse has been good so far.

The Good:
  • The annoying flu which bugged the family went away after stringent measures taken.
  • Caelen has included "papa" and "mama" in his world of babbling.
  • He recognises his favourite songs. Will laugh and clap along when these are played.
  • He discovered the wonders of bubbles and tries poking them with his fingers during tub time.
The Bad:
  • His phlegm is building up and been coughing more after his milk feed.
  • He sweats profusely when sitting up during playtime.
  • He drools more.

While Caelen gets to spend his first Lunar New Year with family and relatives. I, on the other hand, gained precious bonding time. This is the first time I looked at him and at things in a different light. And I came to learn that:
  • He whom I turned away from never left me.
  • He who fills my life with sadness and misery for many different reasons also fills my life with so much joy and love.
  • He gave little signs and subtle hints along the way to help me comprehend that things happen for a reason. Some are destined to be and we just need to go with the flow.
  • He made me see the silver lining when I am at my lowest. He let friends and sometimes strangers into my life at different juncture when I most needed help and support.
  • I can't ask for a miracle if I don't believe in Him.

This boy is our little angel. Sent to us with a purpose. Here to accomplish greater things. There are more to life than money and career. Please do not lose sight of what is important in life. You cannot backtrack and make up for lost time. Caelen has changed my life completely and I hope he can change others' too.
Tomorrow is an important day. We will be meeting some new friends from RDSS to understand how families cope with SMA. It's our first baby step forward! It will be a fruitful meet. Can't wait.
P.S. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to friends and anonymous kind souls who contributed to Caelen's CDA. Thank you and God bless.

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