7 November 2014

Campaign Disrupted


PayPal has kindly agree to release the funds raised as an exception.

We are thankful for that!


There has been an unfortunate twist to our crowd-funding campaign.

PayPal has emailed to inform that they will terminate our account as the collection of funds through PayPal is against their policies. Indiegogo has offered PayPal as payment gateway nonetheless (This really needs to be sorted out!).

Funds raised as of today via PayPal will be rejected. As for funds raised prior will also be locked until further notice by PayPal. As advised, probably requires another 180 days before they will release the funds.

Hence, I urge kind funders to visit our blog for alternative options to help.

Thank you all for your understanding.

We will provide an update on case with PayPal when we have more information.


  1. Hi Caelen's mommy. I happened to know about Caelen through a post in FB. He is such a bright little boy. Special in his own ways.

    My prayers to him & you. May this tomato chair be a gateway for him to see the world from a different view. And may you have the strongest strength for the roads ahead. God bless.

  2. Thank you for your blessings.

    We hope the exposure and experience he has now will help lay a good foundation for his future learning. With technology, I'm sure it is achievable. We need to have faith.

  3. it is really not easy for you and your family..Stay strong & be well. God bless.

  4. Thank you, we will try to do our best.
